Automation application in automatic glass tempering

Mr. Antti Aronen commented on the automatic glass tempering process

Automation application in automatic glass tempering

Antti Aronen analyzes the transformative potential of Automated glass tempering.

Mr. Antti Aronen commented on the automatic glass tempering process
Mr. Antti Aronen commented on the automatic glass tempering process

Achieving effective automated glass tempering without sacrificing quality can be difficult in the ever-changing glass manufacturing industry, where there are many different glass diameters, coatings and paints. Operators have always been in charge of choosing the ideal formula from a wide range of possibilities. But as technology develops, will human knowledge be able to match the effectiveness of AI- and machine learning-driven solutions? The most recent advancements enable us to move process control from manual configurations to exact specifications. We examine the revolutionary possibilities of automated glass tempering in this paper.

Producing tempered glass involves more than just producing high-quality glass. Meeting a wide range of necessary criteria is part of the process, which is motivated by end-user expectations, factory aims, and regional or factory standards. Achieving a high production rate, raising yield, lowering anisotropy levels, decreasing deformations, and many more goals may be among them.

Striking the ideal balance between each of these objectives may prove to be very challenging for operators. Furthermore, how they choose to achieve this is completely up to them and can vary significantly.

Human factors affect the results of automatic glass tempering

This automatic glass tempering process can be done in many different ways. Different loading profiles and sizes require different settings in order to achieve the best quality. The operator alone selects the settings from tens of thousands of different parameters provided in the user interface. Furthermore, experience rather than science is generally always the basis for this decision.

Recruiting and retaining skilled operators is getting harder and harder, especially in the modern day. They consequently frequently end up being the machine performance limiting issue. A machine can almost always create more in a higher quality at a higher capacity.

Additionally, decision-making in each of the distinct changes is based on a different human logic. Differences in automated glass tempering processes may arise if the line is operated by multiple operators. It is nearly hard to produce uniform quality if the same processing principles are not applied consistently.

Key in automating the process

These problems can be resolved by automating the tempering procedure. The Tempering Process Autopilot is a centralized process model that has been created for control.

With the help of an automation-based approach, the process may be modified to accommodate industrial needs and desired product characteristics. In essence, this means that the tempering machine is now in charge of advising on the loading pattern and establishing process parameters in order to achieve the goals.

Further developments based on information

The total amount of automation increases with the number of collective process measurements. Using autopilot mode, automatic glass tempering settings can be adjusted more precisely based on both external and internal conditions.

It is obvious that automating the glass tempering process would result in more streamlined, consistent, and efficient output.

However, Autopilot does not fully replace the operator. Although it does lessen the need for humans in the manufacture of traditional glass items, operators may concentrate on more intricate tempering procedures, enabling the production of new goods.


After all, this field of automated glass tempering thrives on the cutting-edge combination of technological prowess and human mobility. Watch this presentation that was originally given at GPD 2023 to learn more about this revolutionary technology.

If you are interested in automating glass processing into your glass production process or would like to know more about how to improve production efficiency, contact us today for consultation and cost support. Details via Hotline: 0909 914 837.

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